How to looks confident and reduce nervousness in interview?

Feeling nervous is very natural in any interview. But we can minimize it with few basic tips. I am very much confident that after reading this post you would be in a state where you know how to deal with nervousness during interview.

First Tip - Do these before starting of the interview:

Offline Interview:
  1. Keep a copy of Interview appointment letter.
  2. Keep a copy of Resume.
  3. Wear Formal cloths.
  4. Wear shoes.
  5. Reach the location well before time. Do not rush and be late. Keep in mind there would be security checks, reception etiquettes etc. So, keep time for these formalities. Have little water and take deep breaths.
  6. Be calm and composed.
Online Interview:
  1. Setup your environment for interview.
  2. Setup your devices like Headphone, Camera, Internet connection etc. well before starting of the interview.
  3. Setup proper light in the room.
  4. Keep pen and paper.
  5. Dress formal and get ready to get into mood of interview.
  6. Be calm & composed.

Once you are settled. Now this is time to meet and greet your interviewer. Say Hello to your interviewer.

For any conversation, the first 5 mins are very crucial to settle your mind. So, If we win that first 5 mins, we would be confident throughout the interview mostly (Until and unless it's really a bad day for you).

Now, The question is how would we get the confidence for first 5 mins? So, here is the tip -

The very first question asked by most of the interviewers are, "Tell me about yourself" or "Introduce Yourself" or "Can you run through your resume?".

Here is the key. You need to prepare (memorize) the answer of this question so well that even if you are half awake you can tell it without thinking. Just write it on the piece of paper and go through at least 20 times. Rehearse for several times while on the way of interview.

While writing the answer for this question, leave some hooks for interviewer which is actually your strong zone and you are good in it. Let's understand it with one example.

Here is an example:
Hello. My name is "XYZ". I am from "ABC location". I started my career with "MNP company" in the year 2016 as "Associate engineer". I worked there as a part of "THIS project"  where I was handling "4G layer 2". Here I was using "C Programming". After that I switch to "QRS company" in the year 2019., where I am currently working. Here I have worked as "5G Layer 2" and mostly used "C & C++" as programming. That's a brief about myself. Please let me know if you want me add something more. 

So, you can see in the above introduction, we have given 4 clean hooks to interviewer. Meaning, I am asking interviewer to ask me about "4G layer 2", "C Programming", "5G Layer 2" & "C & C++" . These hooks should be your strong zone. If you are very strong in programming, you can add, "I have got "THIS" award for programming challenge" or "I got "THIS" award for 5G feature, if you are good at 5G feature. As these are your strong zone... you are giving hints to interviewer to ask questions from these areas.

Bang on!!! You have hacked the interview. Now the questions will be asked from your strong zone and you have prepared it well.

To summarize it, you have introduced yourself very well... So, you are not nervous. And then you have lead your interviewer to your strong zone. Here, you are already confident. Hence, you have resolved the nervousness.

Hope this tips will help you definitely. In case you find it helpful, please share it with your friends and in social media. If you feel, you can add something else, please leave a comment for us. We will incorporate it.

Do you know: These Obvious and Commonly asked Interview Questions, you must prepare in advance

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